Conditions our MRI scans can find

Looking for an MRI scan to find cancer or other conditions? We can identify over 500 common and rare conditions, including cancers. Learn more or contact us if you have any questions about a particular condition.
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Biliary cystadenomas

Biliary cystadenomas are rare, slow growing, benign (non-cancerous) liver lesions. Biliary cystadenomas may be asymptomatic (do not cause symptoms) or may cause symptoms of pain and/or a palpable lump in the right upper abdomen, abdominal swelling and/or distention, epigastric fullness, and nausea.


Liver hamartoma

The liver contains bile ducts which carry bile, a fluid that helps the digestion of fats, into the intestines. Liver hamartomas are dilated cystic bile ducts. It is usually asymptomatic (does not cause symptoms) and benign (non-cancerous),


Liver cyst

Small liver cysts are pockets of fluid and usually cause no signs or symptoms and need no treatment. Liver cysts that are not causing symptoms and are found incidentally (unintentional finding when looking for something else) are usually not at risk of becoming malignant (cancerous).


Liver hemangioma

Hemangiomas are common, generally benign (non-cancerous), abnormal collections of blood vessels in the liver that usually do not require treatment. The cause of hemangiomas is unknown. Occasionally, larger hemangiomas (greater than 5 cm) can cause symptoms such as progressive right upper abdominal pain.


Complex liver cyst

A complex liver cyst is a cyst (fluid pocket) with debris containing fluid, solid components (nodularity), internal walls (septations) and/or thickened walls.


Fatty liver

Fatty liver occurs when too much fat accumulates in the liver. The most common causes of excess liver fat are alcohol intake and a poor diet (highly processed foods such as sugars, refined grains, fried foods, desserts and snack foods contribute the most to this).


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I be scanned if I have a pacemaker?
Can I have an MRI if I have a prosthetic implant?
Can I have an MRI if I have an IUD?
Can I have an MRI if I have epilepsy?
Can I have an MRI if I have fillings or gold teeth?

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