Conditions our MRI scans can find

Looking for an MRI scan to find cancer or other conditions? We can identify over 500 common and rare conditions, including cancers. Learn more or contact us if you have any questions about a particular condition.
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choroid fissure cyst

The choroid fissure is the C-shaped site of attachment of the choroid plexus (secretory tissue that produces cerebrospinal fluid [CSF]) in the lateral ventricles (a communicating network of cavities filled with cerebrospinal fluid [CSF] and located within the brain tissue). A choroid fissure cyst is a radiological term that indicates the location of the cyst in the brain and is a benign finding.


Bifrontal volume loss

Brain tissue tends to shrink at the rate of about 0.2% per year from the age of 30 and then accelerates after the age of 60 due to genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Bifrontal volume loss sometimes can be associated with risk of dementia. There are currently no established guidelines for investigating or monitoring this condition.



Ventriculomegaly is a condition in which the ventricles (fluid-filled spaces in the brain) are larger than usual. The brain has 4 ventricles – 2 at the top (on the left and right sides of the brain), one just below these two and one below the third one, near the top of the spine. Usually, the problem is with one or both of the top ventricles.


Brain tumor

Brain tumors are classified as primary, those that arise in the brain, or secondary, those that have spread to the brain from another part of the body. In the United States, about 24,000 people per year are diagnosed with a primary brain tumor. Primary brain tumors usually develop from glial cells, which provide the structural backbone of the brain and support the function of neurons. Most primary brain tumors in adults have no clear risk factors identified.Brain tumors can produce symptoms due to local brain invasion, compression of healthy brain structures and by increasing pressure within the brain (increased intracranial pressure). Symptoms vary based on what parts of the brain are involved.


Cerebellar tonsillar ectopia/Chiari malformation

The cerebellum is the part of the brain that coordinates voluntary movements such as posture, balance, coordination, and speech, resulting in smooth and balanced muscular activity. Cerebellar tonsillar ectopia is when the cerebellar tonsils (bottom part of the cerebellum) extend into the spinal canal.



A cavernoma, also known as a cavernous malformation, is a mass in the brain or spinal cord made up of abnormal dilated blood vessels. Cavernomas account for a large proportion (8-15%) of all brain and spinal vascular malformations. They are dynamic structures, changing in size and number over time. About a third of individuals with cavernomas develop symptoms, often between ages 20 - 40, which can include severe headache that is different from past headaches, nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to light, fainting, stroke-like symptoms, loss of consciousness and/or seizures.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I be scanned if I have a pacemaker?
Can I have an MRI if I have a prosthetic implant?
Can I have an MRI if I have an IUD?
Can I have an MRI if I have epilepsy?
Can I have an MRI if I have fillings or gold teeth?

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