Conditions our MRI scans can find

Looking for an MRI scan to find cancer or other conditions? We can identify over 500 common and rare conditions, including cancers. Learn more or contact us if you have any questions about a particular condition.
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choroid plexus cysts

The choroid plexus is a secretory tissue found in each of the brain ventricles (a communicating network of cavities filled with cerebrospinal fluid [CSF] and located within the brain tissue), the main function of which is to produce CSF. Cysts of the choroid plexus are common, benign (non-cancerous) lesions. In almost all cases these cysts are asymptomatic (do not cause symptoms), but sometimes can cause headaches, neurologic deficits, or seizures.


post traumatic contusions

Brain contusion (bruise) is a type of intracerebral hemorrhage (bleeding within the brain tissue itself) and common in the setting of traumatic brain injury (TBI).


Retro-cerebellar arachnoid cyst

The cerebellum is the area at the back and bottom of the brain, behind the brainstem (where the spinal cord meets the brain). The retro-cerebellum is the area just behind or below the cerebellum.The brain and spinal cord are covered by three protective membrane-linings called meninges. Sometimes, for unclear reasons, extra cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) can collect under the middle membrane - the arachnoid membrane. This leads to the formation of a benign (non-cancerous) collection of fluid called an arachnoid cyst. Arachnoid cysts account for approximately 1% of intracranial masses.


Rathke cleft cyst

The pituitary gland is a small gland deep within the base of the skull. It produces hormones that control many different processes, including metabolism, growth and reproduction. Sometimes during development, a cyst (fluid-filled pocket) can form in the pituitary gland (i.e. Rathke cleft cyst). Pituitary cysts are not cancerous. If the cyst grows, it can put pressure on the pituitary gland or nerves, causing symptoms such as headaches, visual impairment, and/or hormone changes.



Xanthogranulomas of the choroid plexus are common benign (non-cancerous) lesions. It is unclear whether they represent a distinct entity from adult choroid plexus cysts, but they share imaging characteristics. As the clinical history is the same, the distinction is largely irrelevant.



Syringomyelia is a condition in which a syrinx (fluid filled cyst) develops within the spinal cord. The most common cause of syrinx formation is Chiari malformation type I, a condition in which brain tissue protrudes into the spinal canal. Other causes include birth defects, spinal cord tumors, spinal cord injuries, and conditions such as meningitis and multiple sclerosis.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I be scanned if I have a pacemaker?
Can I have an MRI if I have a prosthetic implant?
Can I have an MRI if I have an IUD?
Can I have an MRI if I have epilepsy?
Can I have an MRI if I have fillings or gold teeth?

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