Conditions our MRI scans can find

Looking for an MRI scan to find cancer or other conditions? We can identify over 500 common and rare conditions, including cancers. Learn more or contact us if you have any questions about a particular condition.
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Incisive canal cyst / nasopalatine duct cyst

An incisive canal cyst (also called nasopalatine duct cyst) is a small fluid collection in the palate (roof of the mouth). This is an benign developmental variant,



Staphyloma is the term for a thinning of the outer, white coat of the eye (the sclera).


exophytic pituitary fossa lesion

The pituitary gland is a small gland that sits in the sella turcica, a saddle-shaped depression located in the bone at the base of the skull. It produces hormones that control many different processes in the body, including metabolism, growth and reproduction. “Exophytic” is a term describing abnormal growth outside the usual anatomic boundaries.


Degenerative changes at the temporomandibular joint

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the jaw joint, located in front of each ear. The joint acts like a sliding hinge, connecting the jawbone to the skull. TMJ problems can involve the joint and the surrounding muscles. The cause of TMJ degenerative changes can include past trauma, poor posture and/or bruxism (clenched/grinding teeth).


Indeterminate lesion of the sinus

A sinus lesion is an abnormality seen on a sinus-imaging test A sinus lesion may involve small to large areas of your sinuses, and the severity of the underlying condition may range from relatively minor to life-threatening. These lesions will need further work up to for a diagnosis.


Retention cyst

Retention cysts are small soft tissue growths that commonly occur on mucus surfaces in the body.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I be scanned if I have a pacemaker?
Can I have an MRI if I have a prosthetic implant?
Can I have an MRI if I have an IUD?
Can I have an MRI if I have epilepsy?
Can I have an MRI if I have fillings or gold teeth?

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