Early cancer detection has an 80% survival rate, compared to less than 20% for late-stage cancer.
Statistics from the
American Cancer Society
Our scan is designed to
In February, I scheduled a full-body scan with Ezra after a close friend was diagnosed with cancer. I had no reason for concern, it was just a screening, so I was very surprised to find that my scan turned up an alarmingly large brain tumor. In all likelihood, my scan bought me years of additional quality of life, and for that my family and I will always be profoundly grateful."
Patrick - 36
“Why do you wear your seat belt?” “Why do you brush your teeth? Why do you exercise? That's right. To prevent injury and disease. The research seems to clearly demonstrate that the best medicine for oncology is prevention with vigilance watching for signs of disease. ” — Stock photo was used for member privacy
John - 39
So, Ezra saved my life. That's the simple statement. I'll go into a regimen of surveillance against recurrence instead of chemotherapy or further treatment. This particular kind of cancer is usually not discovered until late, and so even though it's particularly operable, it's also particularly deadly. But here I am, because my Ezra scan served as my early warning system against problems." — Stock photo was used for member privacy
Daniel - 57
It showed a 90% and 80% blockage [of heart arteries]. I had Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery right before Covid-19 hit us." — Stock photo was used for member privacy
John - 48
"My Ezra scan has given me peace of mind. After learning about my findings, I am now aware of things I need to monitor that I was not aware of prior to my scan. Everyone was professional and knowledgeable, including the staff at the facility. Signing up for an Ezra full body scan was the best thing I ever did for myself." — Stock photo was used for member privacy
Patricia - 75
"My experience with Ezra was very positive. The whole process was seamless and the representatives were really friendly, patient, and knowledgeable about the whole thing. I definitely plan to go back." — Stock photo was used for member privacy
Russell - 55
My experience, from the initial call to the final report, was professional, very informative and the most comprehensive exam I have ever done. The details provided in the Ezra scan can give you peace of mind, and/or identify problems before they manifest themselves - at an early, treatable, stage.” — Stock photo was used for member privacy
Brian - 65
My Ezra scan was 100% worth it. Health is very important in life and unless you have symptoms, a doctor will not generally send you for the type of scan that Ezra provides. Ezra handled every step with care, and the discussion of my findings was professional. My scan picked up an issue that I was able to follow up with my doctor on, that I need to continue monitoring. Without Ezra I would not have this peace of mind.” — Stock photo was used for member privacy
Barbara - 61
Additionally, the facility was very virtuous. Everyone there made me feel very comfortable. I will be referring Ezra to all my friends family!" — Stock photo was used for member privacy
Asia - 43
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