February 4, 2023
February 3, 2023

How is an Aneurysm Diagnosis Reached?

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How is an Aneurysm Diagnosis Reached?

Aneurysms are potentially-fatal conditions that occur in weakened areas of blood vessels with a host of risk factors both in and out of our control. There are a number of warning signs you can look out for that depend on where the aneurysm in question is occuring. But how are aneurysms diagnosed?

Cedars-Sinai lists various tests that can catch aneurysms, depending on their location:

  • MRIs use a computer, large magnets, and radio waves to create detailed images of organs and other bodily structures.
  • CT Scans are imaging tests that use X-rays and computers to create horizontal images of the body; they’re more detailed than X-rays.
  • Ultrasounds utilize high-frequency soundwaves and a computer to create images of organs, tissues, and blood vessels as they function.
  • Angiograms (arteriograms) take X-rays of blood vessels to further investigate a host of conditions, including aneurysms and blockages. Dyes used for contrast are also injected through an artery in order to make your blood vessels visible on the X-ray.
  • Echocardiograms (echoes) evaluate the heart’s structure and function using sound waves recorded on an electronic sensor, producing a moving picture of the heart and its valves.

An Ezra full-body MRI may find aneurysms in your brain, abdomen, and pelvis. If you’re interested in learning about our screening plans, you can learn more by visiting this link.