October 16, 2024
October 16, 2024

How Magnetic Drug Targeting and MRI Improve Chemotherapy in Brain Tumors

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How Magnetic Drug Targeting and MRI Improve Chemotherapy in Brain Tumors

Although relatively uncommon, brain tumors are serious - with a 5-year relative survival rate of only 34 percent. This is, in part, due to the difficulty of treating brain tumors. Traditional chemotherapy methods are ineffective as the blood-brain barrier prevents the drugs from getting into the brain. Magnetic drug targeting (MDT) is a method of drug delivery where magnets are used to control the delivery of a drug to a specific location in the body. It has the potential to revolutionize the treatment of brain tumors by enabling drugs to be carried across the blood-brain barrier directly to the tumor. 

This article will explain what magnetic drug targeting is, the role of MRI, important safety considerations, and future directions.

Feeling the Pull: Using Magnetic Drug Targeting and MRI to Improve Chemotherapy in Brain Tumors

What is Magnetic Drug Targeting?

Magnetic drug targeting (MDT) is a novel drug delivery method that uses magnetic nanoparticles loaded with therapeutic agents. These nanoparticles are guided to specific sites in the body using external magnetic fields, allowing for more precise and efficient drug delivery while reducing systemic side effects.

How Magnetic Drug Targeting Works

Magnetic drug carriers are formed of magnetic nanoparticles and therapeutic drugs. The magnetic drug carrier can be manipulated using magnetic fields to direct and concentrate the drugs to the target site. In brain cancer, this involves chemotherapy drugs being loaded onto the magnetic drug carrier and targeted to the site of the tumor.

Real-time imaging using MRI enables this navigation. The drugs are released from the drug carrier through nanoparticle degradation; this can be tailored to the treatment - for example, through the use of nanoparticles that will break down specifically in the acidic microenvironment of a tumor

MRI's Role in MDT

The magnetic nanoparticles forming the drug carriers can be used to visualize and track where the carrier is due to their propensity to show up on an MRI scan. This allows real-time imaging of the drug carriers while simultaneously propelling them toward the tumor-site target. Radiologists are, therefore, able to adjust different parameters to steer the drug carrier and ensure that it reaches its desired target. MRI can also be used to determine how much drug has accumulated at the target site.

Magnetic Nanoparticles and Drug Carriers

Magnetic nanoparticles are produced to be biocompatible. They can be coated with biological substances to ensure that they can cross barriers in the body (such as the blood-brain barrier) and that they won’t react to anything within the body. It is also important to ensure that no toxic products are produced during their degradation. Iron oxide particles are one such substance that may be used due to their magnetic properties, low level of toxicity, and gradual degradation into iron, which can be used for metabolic processes and subsequent elimination from the body.

Benefits of Magnetic Drug Targeting in Brain Tumor Chemotherapy

Overcoming the Blood-Brain Barrier with MRI

MDT is a critical method for allowing drugs to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The BBB’s role in the body is to protect the brain from harmful substances, of which chemotherapy drugs are one such substance. MDT overcomes this by packaging the chemotherapy drugs into nanoparticles and accumulating these nanoparticles at the target site, where the drug will be released in sufficient quantities to have its intended effect.

Some nanoparticles are small enough to cross the BBB without assistance, whereas others will require coating with a substance that allows their passage across the BBB. MRI itself can be used to increase the BBB permeability. Magnetic fields can be focused so that the temperature at a specific spot location will increase. This technique can be used at the BBB, causing it to temporarily increase its permeability and thus allowing the drug carriers to cross.

Reducing Systemic Toxicity

Chemotherapy is a systemic therapy, meaning that it targets the entire body. As a result, chemotherapy also affects healthy tissue, producing side effects such as hair loss and decreased immunity. Magnetic drug targeting, as the name suggests, allows drugs to be targeted to a specific site. Using this technique, chemotherapy drugs can be delivered to the tumor and area directly surrounding the tumor, reducing its effects on healthy tissue and subsequent side effects. This improves patient well-being and safety.

Enhancing Drug Efficacy

The targeting ability of MDT also increases the effectiveness of the drug, as there is a higher concentration of drug surrounding the treatment target than with systemic administration (where it will be spread out across the whole body). MRI can also be used to visualize where the drug carriers are, track their movements, and adjust drug delivery, thus improving the accuracy of targeted treatments and outcomes.

Challenges and Limitations of Magnetic Drug Targeting

Technological Barriers

Though MDT is an exciting possibility for treating deep-brain tumors, it still faces developmental hurdles. The biggest problem is creating magnetic fields that are strong enough and precise enough to target tumors deep within tissue accurately. Researchers are working on overcoming this by optimizing magnetic carriers to react more strongly to the magnetic fields. MRI provides a way to assess the accuracy of the drug reaching the tumor and to adjust and steer as needed by monitoring its progress in real time.

Safety and Side Effects

As with any medical treatment, MDT has safety considerations and side effects. It is important to consider the biocompatibility of the nanoparticles forming the drug carrier—these must be non toxic, non reactive, and safely break down in the body. In addition, it is essential to avoid the accumulation of nanoparticles in non-target tissue, where they may have damaging effects. It is also important to carefully regulate the magnetic fields to ensure that any heat produced does not damage healthy tissue.

Regulatory and Approval Challenges

To date, a limited number of clinical trials have been carried out to assess the safety and effectiveness of MDT. Further work is needed before this treatment can be widely put into practice. Key factors for regulators to consider will include:

  • Is it possible to mass-produce nanoparticles where they act consistently and reproducibly?
  • Are there any long-term concerns about using magnetic nanoparticles, such as whether they will break down in the body?
  • Is this treatment considered a drug or a device (these will require different regulatory evaluations)?

Clinical Applications of Magnetic Drug Targeting in Brain Tumors

MRI and Current Research Trials in MDT

More clinical trials are needed before this treatment can be used widely in humans. However, some promising trials have already taken place. The first clinical phase-1 trial showed the presence of magnetic nanoparticles in the tumors of 50 percent of the patients and a small reduction in tumor size.

Later studies have shown an increase in the proportion of magnetic nanoparticles reaching the tumor - in one study, 100 percent. Though minimally successful at treating the cancer, these trials demonstrated no toxicity from the treatment and limited side effects. Trials on MDT are ongoing, with more predicted in the future - such as using a personalized magnetic device to target brain tumors.

Combining MDT with Other Treatments

The potential for success in using MDT for the treatment of cancer is high, especially when combined with other treatments, such as radiation and surgery. In these circumstances, MRI could be used to accurately target magnetic drug therapies to the site of radiation or surgery to ensure that any remaining cancer is destroyed.

Future Directions and Innovations in MRI and MDT

With increased research into the use of MDT comes exciting innovations and increased possibilities. Developments in computer modeling—aided by AI—are optimizing MDT. Machine learning models can be used to predict how nanoparticles will move within specific magnetic fields, enabling increased accuracy of drug targeting. AI can also be used to model the most effective localization for drug release, increasing the drug's effect on the tumor.

Woman in a Medical Examination Room with her Doctor Looking at the Chart


Magnetic drug targeting is an exciting innovation that holds great promise for the treatment of cancer, including hard-to-reach brain tumors. It uses magnetic fields and MRI to direct magnetic drug carriers to the treatment area. This decreases whole-body side effects (such as those seen in normal chemotherapy treatment) and increases the concentration of the drug in the tumor, improving the drug’s effectiveness.

Developmental hurdles must still be overcome before this treatment can reach the wider public. Careful consideration should be taken to ensure that nanoparticles are non-toxic, will break down or be excreted from the body, and will accurately reach their target site. AI and machine learning are being used to optimize these processes, but further clinical trials are required to ensure safety and effectiveness. 

If you want to be proactive about your health, why not book an Ezra full-body MRI? Our annual scan catches potential cancer - including brain tumors - earlier, leveraging AI through the screening process to make it more efficient, affordable, and faster.