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March 26, 2023

What is a Gleason Score?

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What is a Gleason Score?


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Upon diagnosis, prostate cancer is graded upon a Gleason score, which is used to evaluate the likely aggressiveness of someone’s prostate cancer. The Prostate Cancer Free Foundation describes how Gleason scores work: they range from 2-10, grade how quickly the cancer will probably grow, and indicate the likelihood of the cancer spreading beyond the prostate gland, or metastasizing. Gleason scores are determined through the examination of cell patterns in the prostate tissue under a microscope, and are the sum of two numbers (1-5 each):

  • the grade of the most common observed cell pattern
  • the grade of the second most common observed cell pattern

But if there is only one observable cell pattern, it’s counted twice. High Gleason scores–like a grade of 10–indicates that the tumor is likely to grow rapidly and metastasize. According to Memorial Sloan Kettering, Gleason scores of six or below are considered low; this means that the tumor in question is less likely to spread.

The best way to make sure you stay as safe as possible is to get routinely tested for prostate cancer; the age at which you should begin doing so depends on various risk factors. At Ezra, we’re dedicated to bringing you non-invasive, cost-effective, painless prostate cancer screening. We use the latest Artificial Intelligence + MRI technology to take a look at your prostate and see if there’s any cause for concern before you even have to get an invasive, uncomfortable biopsy that can lead to a terrible infection. Compared to the industry-standard PSA blood tests–which are only 21% accurate–our method is 92% accurate in finding cause for concern. Sign up online today, and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible to answer any questions you may have and register you for an appointment.

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