February 19, 2025
February 9, 2023

Why Consider an Annual ezra Scan?

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Why Consider an Annual ezra Scan?


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The term “cancer” describes a group of diseases that affect the way the body’s cells reproduce and grow.

Different cells in our bodies serve different purposes. Over time, cells get old and wear out, and eventually die. The body’s cells grow and divide as needed, creating new cells to replace the old ones that have worn out.

With cancer, however, some cells do not behave normally. There are different types of cancer, but they all involve abnormal cell reproduction, often dividing without stopping and spreading into nearby areas of the body.

Cells in the body can mutate and become abnormal, cancer cells. Old or damaged cells may not die off as they should. An abnormal growth of cells is called a tumor, and a tumor can be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous).

Getting Regular Cancer Screening

Because cancers can be fatal, it is important to find them as soon as possible. In many cases, the sooner the cancer is found, the more likely that surgery or other treatment can be successful. This helps individuals found with cancer live longer, and enjoy a higher quality of life.

Unfortunately, finding and diagnosing cancer early can be difficult. A person with cancer may not experience symptoms until the disease has become advanced, or they may think the symptoms are caused by something else.

Even if a cancerous tumor is removed and treated, the disease can still return. One study of three common cancers (breast, lung, and colorectal) found that cancer can come back between 1.5 to 6 years later. Anyone who has been successfully treated for cancer should still be screened regularly for signs of recurrence.

Regular cancer screening tests, such as mammograms, pap smears, and colonoscopies, are just as important as ever. The type of cancer screening you receive, and how often, will depend on your age, gender, and risk for the disease itself.

An MRI Scan Helps Screen for Abnormalities and Early Signs of Cancer

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of many types of medical imaging used to screen for cancer and other diseases. MRI scanners combine magnets and radiofrequency signals to create images of the organs and tissues in the body.

At ezra, we make MRI-based full-body scans, accurate and affordable.

Within about one hour, our technology can screen for cancer in up to 13 organs. This adds an extra layer of protection to existing, age-appropriate cancer screening guidelines, including colonoscopy and mammography.

If an ezra scan does show something suspicious, such as a possible brain tumor or prostate cancer, then your ezra medical provider will personally discuss the findings with you and give you three data points:

  • Your ezra Report (where we translate your findings into straight forward language and recommendations)
  • Your original radiology report(s)
  • Access to your actual images
Recommended reading: Why Should You Consider a Full-Body Scan for Cancer?

How Often Should You Consider an Ezra Scan?

We generally encourage ezra members to consider a full-body scan once a year to monitor for any changes in their health.

Our radiologists compare your images to the last year images, highlighting changes over time. Regular follow-up scans can make it easier to detect possible changes in your health.

If you have questions at any time about your scan, or are concerned about safety measures, please do not hesitate to contact us. The ezra team is happy to answer questions and address any concerns you may have.

You can also check out the following resources if you’re curious about what happens before and during your ezra scan:

Take control of your health and stay on top of your cancer risk with a full-body ezra scan. You can also learn more about your cancer risk.

Understand your risk for cancer with our 5 minute quiz.

Our scan is designed to detect potential cancer early.